
Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” (West Minister S.C.)
We have many passions in life, but the greatest of it—is God!
Worship Unplugged – Keeping it Real

  1. Serving with Passion
  2. Passion that Runs the Distance

Our worship teams and preaching teams have a special message to challenge our hearts through this series. Let’s come to the altar of God & renew our covenant again with Him!

When God Works

We’re excited to share with you a sermon series that will deepen our understanding of prayer and its transformative power in our lives.

We know prayer is priority in the Christian life and works God’s purposes. But how does prayer work in our busy, method-based lives where everything seems planned and have solutions for? But God design His economy where prayer is an essential part of the Christian life!

As we live life we face challenges, joys, trials and uncertainties. In this series, we will learn of the importance of prayer, more importantly, when God works instead of us!

Here’s a sneak peek of our subtopics:

  1. ⁠When I Get in the Way
  2. ⁠Growing from Self-Focus to a God-Focus
  3. ⁠Experiencing God
  4. ⁠Prayer through Pain

Join us as we seek to understand the transformative power of prayer and how we can invite God to work in our lives more fully. It’s going to be a powerful and enriching series!

Flow & Grow in God

The core of Spiritual Growth is about relationship with God. When our relationship is healthy and thriving, many other areas in service, navigating life challenges in work & family becomes healthy too! However, Spiritual Growth does not happen easily nor naturally. There are metaphors which build convictions in our lives for this core-growth. 

Come and learn how these metaphors help us flow and grow!

  1. Growth-Rate (John 4:26-38)
  2. ⁠In vs. Out (John 15:5-7) – Commemorating Youth Sunday
  3. ⁠Compass (1 Peter 1:13-16)
  4. ⁠Building (Ephesians 4:11-16)