Queenstown Baptist Church commissioned a team of 9 people to start a new work in Depot Road area. Led by Mr Graham Walker, they began their first worship service on Easter Sunday, 19 April 1977 in a flat on the first floor of Block 107, Depot. “New Life Gospel Centre” was birthed, reaching out to the neighbourhood with a full range of programmes.
As part of our 40th year anniversary celebration on 2019, we invited Mr. Walker to recount his journey with New Life Baptist Church from 1979:

The Gospel Centre moved its facilities to Great Joy Media Centre at Lorong Mambong, Holland Road. Regular Sunday night film shows and children’s parties were held to reach out to the neighbourhood. On 2 December 1979, “New Life Baptist Church” was constituted with 45 chartered members.

1982 – 1983
Mr Walker handed over the chairmanship to Elijah Leong Howe Seng.
On 25 September 1983, the church commissioned a team of 11 people, headed by Mr Graham Walker, to start another gospel centre in Jurong East area. This gave rise to a new daughter church – Abundant Life Gospel Centre which became independent a year later.

1985 – 1989
New Life purchased her first property at Napier Road. It was used as a church office cum resource centre. In 1986, the church moved her worship service from Lorong Mambong to a larger premise – Ebenezer Chapel off Minden Road.
Aow Kwong Bu joined the church as her first full-time worker in 1986. Elijah Leong went to study at Baptist Theological seminary. In August 1987, he was ordained during the church’s 10th anniversary on 3 December 1989. In January 1989, Mrs Lim-Sim Swee Kee joined the church staff as Minister of Membership & Evangelism.

1990 – 1993
The church began to embark on greater missions involvement. It started supporting Grace Baptist church in Philippines, Pastor Yebezzu and his evangelistic work in India and Esther Gaw with African Inland Mission work in Africa and children’s orphanage in Nepal with Pastor Silas.
Pastor Lai Soon Loy joined the church staff in 1993. The church bought a two-story office unit at 73 Kampong Bahru to replace the resource centre at Napier Road.

1994 – 1995
New Life Baptist church sent out yet another daughter church – “Everlasting Life Baptist Fellowship” which later birthed another congregation – “China Bridge Ministry” reaching out to the nurses from mainland China training at Singapore General Hospital.
Bi-monthly services started for the Chinese speaking members, including parents of Newlife members. Reverend John Chang became Advisory Pastor towards the end of 1998.

1996 – 1998
Pastor Lai was ordained as pastor on 3 May 1997.
The English worship service moved from Ebenezer Chapel to Skywave Building at Lorong Ampas, Whampoa area in October 1997.
The church sent out Pastor Leong, Mabel and 3 other members to begin a home church in Woodlands. The vision is to reach the world for Jesus by winning families and people groups and sending forth mission teams to carry out His Great Commission.

The English worship service moved from Skywave Building to Wedge Mount Building at Jalan Pemimpin. The new building provides more space to cater for the growing members and their needs.
Karen Tan joined Singapore Bible College in July 1999 to do a one year diploma in Cross-Cultural ministry to equip her to do mission work.

2000 – 2001
Pastor Lim Swee Kee was ordained as pastor on 28 October 2001. This was a major milestone for the Baptist community for a woman minister to be ordained.

2002 – 2003
The church embarked on community penetration work in Bishan area, working in partnership with the Baptist Convention’s community care work in reaching out to the residents staying at blocks 212 to 215. Great Joy Community Care (GJCC) was formed. Our outreach extended beyond the four blocks to other blocks in Bishan as far as block 228. There were collaboration projects with Bishan North Zone 1 Residents committee and also with Raffles Institution.

2004 – 2010
Ps David Lim joined the church in Jan 2004 serving with Youth ministry.
Under his leadership, the youth ministry grew from strength to strength.

2004 – 2010
Ps Low Thiam Chong joined the church in February 2009 to meet the needs of the growing number of elderly parents.

2011 – 2016
The church moved out from Wedge Mount Building to Queenstown Baptist church to comply with government restriction on the use of commercial property for religious use. Meanwhile, she continue her search for new permanent church building.

2017 – 2024
New Life Baptist church took on the invitation to form a church hub with Jurong Christian church (Lutheran) and Renewal Christian church to co-occupy the newly built Jurong Christian Church at 2 Tah Ching Road. After two years of construction, the church finally get its permanent home with its inaugural service on 2 April 2017. It is a journey of God’s faithfulness.
Pastor Edwin Lam joined the church as her Senior Pastor in March 2017, blessing the church with his strong leadership skills and a vision and heart for reaching the lost and discipling the saved. He led the church faithfully until his retirement in 2024.